Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
Well, it has been quite some time since we have had anything food-wise to discuss. I say this with much dismay of course. Too bad the Competitive Eating world goes on a bit of a hiatus after Krystal, or at least contests within driving distance.
I did, however do a presentation for a Foundations of Management class on the compeitive strategies of the I.F.O.C.E. I believe the class was relatively interested in my presentation or slightly confused with how I got interested in such a sport.
That's all for now, maybe we will have more to talk about after we gorge on turkey, sweet potato casserole and whatever else Thanksgiving delights that may cross our paths.
I did, however do a presentation for a Foundations of Management class on the compeitive strategies of the I.F.O.C.E. I believe the class was relatively interested in my presentation or slightly confused with how I got interested in such a sport.
That's all for now, maybe we will have more to talk about after we gorge on turkey, sweet potato casserole and whatever else Thanksgiving delights that may cross our paths.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
I just received a call from my wonderful roommate to inform me that she just saw Crazy Legs Conti on Discovery Channel's Cash Cab. Lo and behold, I turned on my TV and saw Crazy Legs and Eater X Tim Janus win $1600 by answering a question about deep dish pizza!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Pics & Vids
Our traditional chocolate chip pancake breakfast
Jamie, Badlands, and Sadie
Kobayashi & his bunnette, Sadie!
More Pictures (I will try to post more pictures directly to the blog but it is going at an ungodly slow speed right now, so click on the link if you want to see the rest)
Our videos from the weekend:
Eater Introductions
The Krystal Square Off 5
Badlands Booker's 2nd Song
Krystal Square Off 5
Re-Occurring Themes of our Krystal Square Off 5 Weekend:
gasoline, food, meeting cool people, and oh yeah… KOBAYASHI!
Our journey to Chattanooga started on Friday morning when Trey and I left Mooresville in the pouring rain to head towards the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains. Well, I guess the real journey started a few days before when we went through the emotional torment of deciding whether the gas crisis in Charlotte was going to keep us away from Chatty…obviously it did not.
Anyway... Trey and I picked up Jamie in Asheville around noon on Friday and set out on our second annual expedition to the Krystal Square Off. Since the Asheville Krystal had recently closed, we had to snack in the car to hold our hunger until we found a Krystal—which to our luck, would only be about an hour away in Newport, TN. The Krystal in Newport was cool--kind of like a Cook Out or Checkers if you are familiar with those--there was no dining room and there was a drive in on both sides of the restaurant. Bottom line of our lunch stop: We ate lunch in Newport, God's Storehouse is in Newport (see pictures), we found a gas station in Newport, the rain stopped in Newport and the sun started to shine a little. We love this town!
After a few hours of driving, we finally arrived in Chattanooga and checked into the Day's Inn and tried to figure out how we would spend our time in the city. After checking out some websites (chattanoogafun/eatfeats/etc.) we just decided to have a fun night out in Chattanooga on Friday. There was some motorcycle thing going on Friday night so we saw what that was all about out on our way to the Big River Grille/Brewery for some food and drinks. The food was ok, but the Oktoberfest beer was divine.
On Saturday, we went to the Krystal on Cherokee Ave (which is the oldest Krystal still open, we think) and ate breakfast and decided to explore Chattanooga some more. We found this cultural fest going on near the water front and spent some time hanging out in the North Shore district of the city, which is really eclectic and interesting. The highlight of Saturday, however, was going to the Hixson Krystal (a few minutes outside of Chattanooga) for an eater autograph session + some free food samples!
We were pretty freaking excited going into the autograph session, because we knew that the time had come for us to finally meet Takeru Kobayashi. We've met most of the other eaters before at some point in time, but this was the big one, the one we have been wanting to see in real-life for a long time; we were finally going to meet the guy who ignited our interest in competitive eating. We got to the Hixson Krystal before the eaters did so we just hung out and sampled some milkquakes and stuff. We when they arrived, some pictures were taken and then Kobayashi, Pat Bertoletti, Joey Chestnut, and Humble Bob signed some autographs. We got in the autograph line (ok...we kind of started the line I guess…) and met Takeru Kobayashi and even got him to sign our Kobayashi trading cards. It was pretty thrilling. We also got to see the other eaters—-who we also really love :-).
One of the turning points of the day, though, was when I met Tiffany, who works for Krystal. Tiffany was helping with the autograph session in Hixson, and coincidentally, was the person who was in charge of the bunnettes. I was able to talk to her at the autograph session and asked her who I would be flipping for at the Square Off. She asked me who I’d like to flip for, I said Kobayashi, and the rest is history. September 27th, 2008, I became Takeru Kobayashi’s official 2008 Krystal Square Off Bunnette and I will forever live my life by the mantra: ask and ye shall receive.
I spent the rest of the day doing whatever I could to get my mind off of the Krystal Square Off because I was really getting anxious and nervous about being on stage (and behind a legendary eater, nonetheless). So, we ate some DELICIOUS pizza at Lupi’s downtown, had some Chocolate Therapy at Ben & Jerry’s, and checked out a band, Harper, on the waterfront. The band was actually pretty cool—the lead singer was Australian and played a didgeridoo, which ruled. We called it an early night and watched Sister Act 2 on TV. I doped up on some Advil PM and slept like a baby.
Sunday morning, Trey, Jamie, and I went to the City CafĂ© (adjacent to the Days Inn) for our second annual traditional Pre-KSO Breakfast of Chocolate Chip Pancakes. They were quite possibly some of the best pancakes I’ve ever had in my life, but I was pretty anxious to get the day started so I couldn’t finish them. Jamie, the president of the Clean Plate Club/amateur competitive eater, ate all of hers. After breakfast, we checked out of the hotel, packed up the car, and made our way down to Ross' Landing.
I hung out with Jamie and Trey for a while, scoping out the activities of the event, and went with them to find an up-close seat for the contest. After we sat down, we realized we were right behind Val, another competitive eating fan, who drove 10 hours just for the contest! It was nice to finally meet her in person after reading her stuff and looking at her pictures for a while. It was also fun to hear/see the Marshall Tucker Band play before the contest (ok it was also fun to see the mullet-clad MTB fans there too. Can I get a hell yeah for southern rock!?)
My bunnette duties officially started at noon; I helped hand out pompoms and thundersticks and balloons to the eating fans. Around one, we went and met the eaters on the water front to cheer them on as they walked to the stage for their introductions. I thought it was really cool that they came in by boat...it just kind of made me concerned for the ones who may get motion sick. ah well, it probably wasn't a long boat ride.
One of the highlights of the pre-contest was Badlands Booker's rapping! Until Sunday, I'd never gotten to see Badlands perform in real life so it was cool to see him from backstage. We were really excited to meet him too, and I must say...he is one cool dude.
The contest itself is all kind of a blur to me; it came and went so fast. I mean, at one point I was standing in the line getting ready to get on stage after the eater introductions, and the next thing I knew, I was up there flipping numbers to 86 (which was later reduced to 84). Thank goodness my wonderful husband Trey was there to video. It was so awesome to be on stage, though, being right in the middle of the action. Joey ended up winning, Pat came in second, and Kobayashi came in third. I was disappointed Kobayashi lost, but honestly, the whole thrill of just being there really overcame the disappointment. From what I could tell from behind the eaters, it seemed to me that Joey was pushing through faster and was on the track to winning throughout the whole contest. I was surprised, however, that no one beat the 100 mark; I expect to see 110+ burgers eaten next year!
After the contest was over, Trey, Jamie, Val, and I hung around to take a few more pictures. We also got to meet Rick Russo and his wife Sherri, SuperPaul, and a few others we hadn't yet met in real life. It sucked that we had to run off so fast after the contest; we'd have loved to spend another night in Chattanooga, but we had to make the 7 hour drive back home, back to the real world once again.
Overall, it was a great weekend; maybe the best weekend I've had in a while, but how could it not be good when it is based entirely around the mass consumption of burgers? This weekend couldn't have been possible without the fine folks at the Krystal restaurants we stopped at throughout the weekend, Brian and Tiffany who hooked me up with the bunnette gig, the people at Ford for building a car that can take us to many eating contests on decent gas mileage, and most importantly, Jamie and Trey my two compadres/fellow fans/sister & husband being the best travel buddies ever. I already can't wait until next year! Check back in with us soon, maybe Jamie will post with her opinion/thoughts from an audience point of view :-)
gasoline, food, meeting cool people, and oh yeah… KOBAYASHI!
Our journey to Chattanooga started on Friday morning when Trey and I left Mooresville in the pouring rain to head towards the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains. Well, I guess the real journey started a few days before when we went through the emotional torment of deciding whether the gas crisis in Charlotte was going to keep us away from Chatty…obviously it did not.
Anyway... Trey and I picked up Jamie in Asheville around noon on Friday and set out on our second annual expedition to the Krystal Square Off. Since the Asheville Krystal had recently closed, we had to snack in the car to hold our hunger until we found a Krystal—which to our luck, would only be about an hour away in Newport, TN. The Krystal in Newport was cool--kind of like a Cook Out or Checkers if you are familiar with those--there was no dining room and there was a drive in on both sides of the restaurant. Bottom line of our lunch stop: We ate lunch in Newport, God's Storehouse is in Newport (see pictures), we found a gas station in Newport, the rain stopped in Newport and the sun started to shine a little. We love this town!
After a few hours of driving, we finally arrived in Chattanooga and checked into the Day's Inn and tried to figure out how we would spend our time in the city. After checking out some websites (chattanoogafun/eatfeats/etc.) we just decided to have a fun night out in Chattanooga on Friday. There was some motorcycle thing going on Friday night so we saw what that was all about out on our way to the Big River Grille/Brewery for some food and drinks. The food was ok, but the Oktoberfest beer was divine.
On Saturday, we went to the Krystal on Cherokee Ave (which is the oldest Krystal still open, we think) and ate breakfast and decided to explore Chattanooga some more. We found this cultural fest going on near the water front and spent some time hanging out in the North Shore district of the city, which is really eclectic and interesting. The highlight of Saturday, however, was going to the Hixson Krystal (a few minutes outside of Chattanooga) for an eater autograph session + some free food samples!
We were pretty freaking excited going into the autograph session, because we knew that the time had come for us to finally meet Takeru Kobayashi. We've met most of the other eaters before at some point in time, but this was the big one, the one we have been wanting to see in real-life for a long time; we were finally going to meet the guy who ignited our interest in competitive eating. We got to the Hixson Krystal before the eaters did so we just hung out and sampled some milkquakes and stuff. We when they arrived, some pictures were taken and then Kobayashi, Pat Bertoletti, Joey Chestnut, and Humble Bob signed some autographs. We got in the autograph line (ok...we kind of started the line I guess…) and met Takeru Kobayashi and even got him to sign our Kobayashi trading cards. It was pretty thrilling. We also got to see the other eaters—-who we also really love :-).
One of the turning points of the day, though, was when I met Tiffany, who works for Krystal. Tiffany was helping with the autograph session in Hixson, and coincidentally, was the person who was in charge of the bunnettes. I was able to talk to her at the autograph session and asked her who I would be flipping for at the Square Off. She asked me who I’d like to flip for, I said Kobayashi, and the rest is history. September 27th, 2008, I became Takeru Kobayashi’s official 2008 Krystal Square Off Bunnette and I will forever live my life by the mantra: ask and ye shall receive.
I spent the rest of the day doing whatever I could to get my mind off of the Krystal Square Off because I was really getting anxious and nervous about being on stage (and behind a legendary eater, nonetheless). So, we ate some DELICIOUS pizza at Lupi’s downtown, had some Chocolate Therapy at Ben & Jerry’s, and checked out a band, Harper, on the waterfront. The band was actually pretty cool—the lead singer was Australian and played a didgeridoo, which ruled. We called it an early night and watched Sister Act 2 on TV. I doped up on some Advil PM and slept like a baby.
Sunday morning, Trey, Jamie, and I went to the City CafĂ© (adjacent to the Days Inn) for our second annual traditional Pre-KSO Breakfast of Chocolate Chip Pancakes. They were quite possibly some of the best pancakes I’ve ever had in my life, but I was pretty anxious to get the day started so I couldn’t finish them. Jamie, the president of the Clean Plate Club/amateur competitive eater, ate all of hers. After breakfast, we checked out of the hotel, packed up the car, and made our way down to Ross' Landing.
I hung out with Jamie and Trey for a while, scoping out the activities of the event, and went with them to find an up-close seat for the contest. After we sat down, we realized we were right behind Val, another competitive eating fan, who drove 10 hours just for the contest! It was nice to finally meet her in person after reading her stuff and looking at her pictures for a while. It was also fun to hear/see the Marshall Tucker Band play before the contest (ok it was also fun to see the mullet-clad MTB fans there too. Can I get a hell yeah for southern rock!?)
My bunnette duties officially started at noon; I helped hand out pompoms and thundersticks and balloons to the eating fans. Around one, we went and met the eaters on the water front to cheer them on as they walked to the stage for their introductions. I thought it was really cool that they came in by boat...it just kind of made me concerned for the ones who may get motion sick. ah well, it probably wasn't a long boat ride.
One of the highlights of the pre-contest was Badlands Booker's rapping! Until Sunday, I'd never gotten to see Badlands perform in real life so it was cool to see him from backstage. We were really excited to meet him too, and I must say...he is one cool dude.
The contest itself is all kind of a blur to me; it came and went so fast. I mean, at one point I was standing in the line getting ready to get on stage after the eater introductions, and the next thing I knew, I was up there flipping numbers to 86 (which was later reduced to 84). Thank goodness my wonderful husband Trey was there to video. It was so awesome to be on stage, though, being right in the middle of the action. Joey ended up winning, Pat came in second, and Kobayashi came in third. I was disappointed Kobayashi lost, but honestly, the whole thrill of just being there really overcame the disappointment. From what I could tell from behind the eaters, it seemed to me that Joey was pushing through faster and was on the track to winning throughout the whole contest. I was surprised, however, that no one beat the 100 mark; I expect to see 110+ burgers eaten next year!
After the contest was over, Trey, Jamie, Val, and I hung around to take a few more pictures. We also got to meet Rick Russo and his wife Sherri, SuperPaul, and a few others we hadn't yet met in real life. It sucked that we had to run off so fast after the contest; we'd have loved to spend another night in Chattanooga, but we had to make the 7 hour drive back home, back to the real world once again.
Overall, it was a great weekend; maybe the best weekend I've had in a while, but how could it not be good when it is based entirely around the mass consumption of burgers? This weekend couldn't have been possible without the fine folks at the Krystal restaurants we stopped at throughout the weekend, Brian and Tiffany who hooked me up with the bunnette gig, the people at Ford for building a car that can take us to many eating contests on decent gas mileage, and most importantly, Jamie and Trey my two compadres/fellow fans/sister & husband being the best travel buddies ever. I already can't wait until next year! Check back in with us soon, maybe Jamie will post with her opinion/thoughts from an audience point of view :-)
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Coming Soon: KSO5
As soon as life gets back to normal and we can get caught up on school and work stuff, we'll post our thoughts/pictures/videos from the Square Off.
Check back in a day or two!!!
Check back in a day or two!!!
Friday, September 26, 2008
We're Here!
After a long drive we are finally here at the fabulous Days Inn in Downtown Chattanooga. The gas situation wasn't too bad (thank goodness!) but the rain from Mooresville to Asheville to Newport was kind of annoying...as was the traffic back up outside of Knoxville. But, we are here, our stomachs are full of Krystals from the ride up, and we're ready for a fun night out on the town!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Can we make a 700 mile-round-trip pilgrimage to Krystal during a major gas shortage?
this is just our luck.
EDIT 9/26/08:
Screw the gas shortage. We're going anyway! It might take us forever to get there if we have to wait in a line for 2 hours to get gas, but it will be worth it!
this is just our luck.
EDIT 9/26/08:
Screw the gas shortage. We're going anyway! It might take us forever to get there if we have to wait in a line for 2 hours to get gas, but it will be worth it!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Bad News/Good News
Bad News:
We didn't win the Chattanooga VIP vacation, however, the people who won seem pretty cool though. I guess we will be back to the ol' Days Inn this weekend instead of the Sheraton :-)
Good News:
I am going to be a Bunnette/Krystal Counter Card Girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh my God! This is really happening! Yet another reason why I love Krystal!
I emailed Krystal this summer to find out how I could become a bunnette...and I kind of forgot I even did that. Then, I got an email earlier this week from Brian, a Krystal PR dude, saying that he still had my email from this summer and that he had a spot for me as a Krystal Counter.
AHhh! I love this guy and Krystal and I am way excited to do my bunnette duties on Sunday afternoon.
I don't know who I'll be counting for yet, but if I find out before the contest, I'll be sure to let you know. Don't forget to watch Sunday at 2:00 on FSN!
Jamie, Trey, and I have decided to ditch school/work on Friday and head on up to Chattanooga and actually do some touristy things this year instead of driving up one night and coming home the next day. Hopefully there will be gas in Tennessee, but if we get stranded and have to miss another day of work, I don't think I'll be too sad.
See ya in Chatty!!
We didn't win the Chattanooga VIP vacation, however, the people who won seem pretty cool though. I guess we will be back to the ol' Days Inn this weekend instead of the Sheraton :-)
Good News:
I am going to be a Bunnette/Krystal Counter Card Girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh my God! This is really happening! Yet another reason why I love Krystal!
I emailed Krystal this summer to find out how I could become a bunnette...and I kind of forgot I even did that. Then, I got an email earlier this week from Brian, a Krystal PR dude, saying that he still had my email from this summer and that he had a spot for me as a Krystal Counter.
AHhh! I love this guy and Krystal and I am way excited to do my bunnette duties on Sunday afternoon.
I don't know who I'll be counting for yet, but if I find out before the contest, I'll be sure to let you know. Don't forget to watch Sunday at 2:00 on FSN!
Jamie, Trey, and I have decided to ditch school/work on Friday and head on up to Chattanooga and actually do some touristy things this year instead of driving up one night and coming home the next day. Hopefully there will be gas in Tennessee, but if we get stranded and have to miss another day of work, I don't think I'll be too sad.
See ya in Chatty!!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Reasons to be excited for the Krystal Square Off...
- THE MARSHALL TUCKER BAND is playing there. Krystal, you got it right this time. I wasn't really feeling the opening band last year, but this year will rule.
- Chattanooga is the best town ever. The city provides free public transportation!
- There is nothing better than a Tennessee night in the fall.
- The Days Inn has a Krystal view!
- Takeru Kobayashi. Our lifelong goal of seeing him in real life will finally be achieved.
- FREE KRYSTALS FOR ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

School started last week and it was nice having that light at the end of the tunnel, knowing that at 3:00 on Friday, I'd be leaving school to go to Myrtle Beach. The trip down was nice, and once we got through Charlotte, traffic wasn't bad at all. We didn't get to North Myrtle until it was dark, though, so we just rode around and looked at stuff on the way to our destination. Much to the delight of the boys, our aunt's new beach house was about a 5 minute walk from the Crazy Horse. Anyway, by the time we got to the house, everyone was tired so we all just went to bed.
Saturday was the big day of the contest/festival so we tried to get to Market Common around noon. The Market Common is this fairly new complex with like condos and restaurants and bars and apartments and stuff, and I'd never been before so it was fun to see what all new things had been built. We walked around the festival some and smelled a lot of BBQ being cooked, but it was just too dang hot to walk around for a long time...so we went into Roy and Sid's and drank away the hour until it was time to watch some sandwiches being eaten.
Around 1:30, we went to the contest stage and found ourselves a nice place on the grass, right in front. The Pulled Pork Sandwich eating contest started on time at 2:00, and the contestants were announced on stage.
A few highlights/things I remember from the introductions:
-The only woman in the contest was a local lady(I was sad to see that Juliet Lee did not make it to Myrtle Beach) and the emcee said the exact same thing he said about Jamie when she did the MB Nathan's Qualifier (the whole "As God is my witness" Gone With The Wind speech thing)
-The song played as Pat Bertoletti came onstage was The Marshall Tucker Band's song Can't You See. I love that damn song.
The contest was 10 minutes long, which surprised me, as I assumed it would just be 8. For a while, Humble Bob seemed to be in the lead, but at the end Joey ate the most with 49 pulled pork sandwiches. All of the contestants did really well and it was exciting to get to be there to see it happen. The sandwiches looked pretty tasty; I think if I could eat anything competitively one of my top choices would be pulled pork BBQ sandwiches. Unfortunately, I didn't even eat a single sandwich at the whole festival. Fortunately, on Saturday night, we went out to eat at Hoskin's Restaurant where I did, finally, get to eat a BBQ sandwich...and it was delicious.
The rest of the weekend was filled with sun, beach, syringe-filled jello shots, the crazy horse, lots of food, and even more relaxation; the only thing missing was my little hungrysister, Jamie.
Saturday was the big day of the contest/festival so we tried to get to Market Common around noon. The Market Common is this fairly new complex with like condos and restaurants and bars and apartments and stuff, and I'd never been before so it was fun to see what all new things had been built. We walked around the festival some and smelled a lot of BBQ being cooked, but it was just too dang hot to walk around for a long time...so we went into Roy and Sid's and drank away the hour until it was time to watch some sandwiches being eaten.
Around 1:30, we went to the contest stage and found ourselves a nice place on the grass, right in front. The Pulled Pork Sandwich eating contest started on time at 2:00, and the contestants were announced on stage.
A few highlights/things I remember from the introductions:
-The only woman in the contest was a local lady(I was sad to see that Juliet Lee did not make it to Myrtle Beach) and the emcee said the exact same thing he said about Jamie when she did the MB Nathan's Qualifier (the whole "As God is my witness" Gone With The Wind speech thing)
-The song played as Pat Bertoletti came onstage was The Marshall Tucker Band's song Can't You See. I love that damn song.
The contest was 10 minutes long, which surprised me, as I assumed it would just be 8. For a while, Humble Bob seemed to be in the lead, but at the end Joey ate the most with 49 pulled pork sandwiches. All of the contestants did really well and it was exciting to get to be there to see it happen. The sandwiches looked pretty tasty; I think if I could eat anything competitively one of my top choices would be pulled pork BBQ sandwiches. Unfortunately, I didn't even eat a single sandwich at the whole festival. Fortunately, on Saturday night, we went out to eat at Hoskin's Restaurant where I did, finally, get to eat a BBQ sandwich...and it was delicious.
The rest of the weekend was filled with sun, beach, syringe-filled jello shots, the crazy horse, lots of food, and even more relaxation; the only thing missing was my little hungrysister, Jamie.
p.s. we are so f-ing excited for Krystal we can hardly stand it!
Humble Bob,
Joey Chestnut,
Myrtle Beach,
Pat Bertoletti
Sunday, August 24, 2008
I really love how Krystal puts so much detail and emphasis to the Krystal Square Off and the qualifiers preceding them. I just read the article about Humble Bob's qualifier, and was pleased to seethe full results of the qualifier, professionals or not. Although Nathan's will always be the biggest, Krystal will always have my heart. I am beyond excited for KSO V, however, I doubt I will be attempting a qualifier this time. I have a very difficult time imagining dunking a full Krystal Burger in to a liquid. Dunking a bun is one thing, but dunking bun, meat, onions, mustard and whatever else goes on those delicious little sliders is just something I could not bring myself to do. Its a shame that I can't even remember what is on a Krystal since the only establishment left in North Carolina (which happens to be where I live, Asheville) closed this summer. It has been far too long since I've enjoyed the tiny food. I will just have to gorge myself the weekend of KSO V to last for another year.
Although there is no Krystal, there is a Dairy Queen. I made the venture to DQ today with my gift card in hand. I swayed from my usual Chocolate Extreme (or some other chocolate filled blizzard) and opted for the small, chocolate dipped cone with chocolate ice cream and it was divine.
All for now,
Although there is no Krystal, there is a Dairy Queen. I made the venture to DQ today with my gift card in hand. I swayed from my usual Chocolate Extreme (or some other chocolate filled blizzard) and opted for the small, chocolate dipped cone with chocolate ice cream and it was divine.
All for now,
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
2008 BBQ Sandwich Eating Contest Lineup @ Myrtle Beach:
(from http://www.sunfunfestival.com/beachboogiebbq/bbq.htm)
Joey "JAWS" Chestnut (San Jose, CA) Ranked #1 in the world.
Pat "Deep Dish" Bertoletti (Chicago, IL) Ranked #2 in the world.
"Humble" Bob Shoudt (Royersford, PA) Ranked #5 in the world.
Hall "Hoover" Hunt (Jacksonville, FL) Ranked #8 in the world.
"The Lovely" Juliet Lee (Germantown, MD) Ranked #10 in the world.
Pat Bruss (Waterville, OH) Ranked #24 in the world.
Larry" The Legend" McNeil (Newnan, GA) Ranked #38 in the world.
Damon Serignet (Baton Rouge, LA) Ranked #47 in the world.
Richard Foley (Bluffton, SC) Ranked #49 in the world.
Pierre Abry (Charlotte, NC)
Joe Tursi (Virginia Beach, VA)
Shane Baker (Starr, SC)
Alan Leuth (Port Clinton, OH)
Reginald Pascual (Rockville, MD)
Adam Forschner (Silver Spring, MD)
(from http://www.sunfunfestival.com/beachboogiebbq/bbq.htm)
Joey "JAWS" Chestnut (San Jose, CA) Ranked #1 in the world.
Pat "Deep Dish" Bertoletti (Chicago, IL) Ranked #2 in the world.
"Humble" Bob Shoudt (Royersford, PA) Ranked #5 in the world.
Hall "Hoover" Hunt (Jacksonville, FL) Ranked #8 in the world.
"The Lovely" Juliet Lee (Germantown, MD) Ranked #10 in the world.
Pat Bruss (Waterville, OH) Ranked #24 in the world.
Larry" The Legend" McNeil (Newnan, GA) Ranked #38 in the world.
Damon Serignet (Baton Rouge, LA) Ranked #47 in the world.
Richard Foley (Bluffton, SC) Ranked #49 in the world.
Pierre Abry (Charlotte, NC)
Joe Tursi (Virginia Beach, VA)
Shane Baker (Starr, SC)
Alan Leuth (Port Clinton, OH)
Reginald Pascual (Rockville, MD)
Adam Forschner (Silver Spring, MD)
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Dairy Queen Days
Summer is in full swing which (unfortunately) means that in just about a month, I'll have to go back to the real world and teach 10th and 11th graders grammar and literature once again. It's an ok job, but after having such an awesome summer, it is going to be hard to go back.
My new part-time job at Dairy Queen pretty much rules. I haven't gotten to do much with the ice cream cakes yet, but I've kept busy making lots of Blizzards, waffle bowl treats, milk shakes, and other delightful dairy treats. The people I work with are really fun and honestly, I freakin' love spending a few days a week making stuff with ice cream.
As of right now, we are planning on going to the BBQ Sandwich eating contest at Myrtle Beach over Labor Day Weekend. Our Aunt Susan's new house at the beach is just too convienient of a place to pass up to stay at for free to enjoy a weekend of food and beach fun!! Jamie hasn't mentioned to me anything about trying to compete again, so we'll see what happens.
I'm also VERY excited that Krystal season is pretty much among us. The end of September is going to be here before we know it. I do have a feeling that Jamie will probably compete in a qualifier because she lives right on the outskirts of Krystal Kountry in Asheville, NC. Sadly, though, the last time I was in Asheville a few months back, I noticed that the Krystal in Asheville was closed! That means that there are no more Krystals left in North Carolina. That is down right depressing. We will have to get our fill of those delicious little burgers on our way down to Chattanooga the last weekend in September!
Well, that's about it for now.
My new part-time job at Dairy Queen pretty much rules. I haven't gotten to do much with the ice cream cakes yet, but I've kept busy making lots of Blizzards, waffle bowl treats, milk shakes, and other delightful dairy treats. The people I work with are really fun and honestly, I freakin' love spending a few days a week making stuff with ice cream.
As of right now, we are planning on going to the BBQ Sandwich eating contest at Myrtle Beach over Labor Day Weekend. Our Aunt Susan's new house at the beach is just too convienient of a place to pass up to stay at for free to enjoy a weekend of food and beach fun!! Jamie hasn't mentioned to me anything about trying to compete again, so we'll see what happens.
I'm also VERY excited that Krystal season is pretty much among us. The end of September is going to be here before we know it. I do have a feeling that Jamie will probably compete in a qualifier because she lives right on the outskirts of Krystal Kountry in Asheville, NC. Sadly, though, the last time I was in Asheville a few months back, I noticed that the Krystal in Asheville was closed! That means that there are no more Krystals left in North Carolina. That is down right depressing. We will have to get our fill of those delicious little burgers on our way down to Chattanooga the last weekend in September!
Well, that's about it for now.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Thoughts on Nathan's
Joey Chestnut: 59
Takeru Kobayashi: 59
Tim Janus: 42
Pat Bertoletti: 38
Sonya Thomas: 34
Hall Hunt: 30
Bob Shoudt: 30
Juliet Lee: 29
Erik Denmark: 28
Juris Shibayama: 28
Tim Brown: 27
Eric Booker: 25.5
Patrick Vandam: 25
Rich LeFevre: 25
Crazy Legs Conti: 24
Allan Goldstein: 21
Pat Philbin: 19
Nathan Biller: 18.5
Pete Davekos: 18
Arturo Rios: 16
Kevin Ross: 14
It was a pretty exciting 4th of July, as always I was glued to my TV from noon to one, anxiously awaiting the countdown. Sadie, in her Mooresville apartment, called me a few times before and after to discuss the events. I was happy to hear "Sweet Escape" an IFOCE favorite song playing in the background during an interview. There just can't be competitive eating with out Gwen Stefani's musical talent, (and that one Eminem song?) serving as the soundtrack to the excitement ahead.
The introductions on ESPN were kind of odd. I wish they would have just shown the actual introductions so I could have seen the little things all of the eaters did. I thought Kevin Ross' (I believe?) James bond outfit was pretty sweet.
Also, I thought it was pretty lame that they didn't have the table lined up by their position in qualifiers. Why was Sonya Thomas and Juliet lee beside Kobayashi and Joey Chestnut? I know it made the table more symmetrical, AND Juliet looked really hot on stage, but it probably did not help push Eater X and Pat Bertoletti to eat as much.
My other complaint about the set-up is that there were only 3 bunnettes! there should be a bunnette for each eater in my opinion.
The contest itself, well you all saw it. It was intense. Yes, I have read complaints about Kobayashi pulling away a part of his hot dog after the buzzer and putting it back. From what I saw, they both had a LOT of hot dogs not in their mouths, but their hands. Anyway, I thought the announcement of a tie was appropriate. It was too close to ever call (at least from what I saw on TV...) however, a 2 minute eat-off would have been a better alternative to the "see who can eat 5 hot dogs the fastest".
All in all, I am glad kobayashi is back and in what seems to be full force. Joey Chestnut did a great job as always, and I didn't get to see hardly any of the others on ESPN, so I sadly have little to say except that I noticed that the last place ate only 14 HDB, and with my 9 at the qualifier, I just may make it to table-ender status someday. A girl can dream can't she? :]
Takeru Kobayashi: 59
Tim Janus: 42
Pat Bertoletti: 38
Sonya Thomas: 34
Hall Hunt: 30
Bob Shoudt: 30
Juliet Lee: 29
Erik Denmark: 28
Juris Shibayama: 28
Tim Brown: 27
Eric Booker: 25.5
Patrick Vandam: 25
Rich LeFevre: 25
Crazy Legs Conti: 24
Allan Goldstein: 21
Pat Philbin: 19
Nathan Biller: 18.5
Pete Davekos: 18
Arturo Rios: 16
Kevin Ross: 14
It was a pretty exciting 4th of July, as always I was glued to my TV from noon to one, anxiously awaiting the countdown. Sadie, in her Mooresville apartment, called me a few times before and after to discuss the events. I was happy to hear "Sweet Escape" an IFOCE favorite song playing in the background during an interview. There just can't be competitive eating with out Gwen Stefani's musical talent, (and that one Eminem song?) serving as the soundtrack to the excitement ahead.
The introductions on ESPN were kind of odd. I wish they would have just shown the actual introductions so I could have seen the little things all of the eaters did. I thought Kevin Ross' (I believe?) James bond outfit was pretty sweet.
Also, I thought it was pretty lame that they didn't have the table lined up by their position in qualifiers. Why was Sonya Thomas and Juliet lee beside Kobayashi and Joey Chestnut? I know it made the table more symmetrical, AND Juliet looked really hot on stage, but it probably did not help push Eater X and Pat Bertoletti to eat as much.
My other complaint about the set-up is that there were only 3 bunnettes! there should be a bunnette for each eater in my opinion.
The contest itself, well you all saw it. It was intense. Yes, I have read complaints about Kobayashi pulling away a part of his hot dog after the buzzer and putting it back. From what I saw, they both had a LOT of hot dogs not in their mouths, but their hands. Anyway, I thought the announcement of a tie was appropriate. It was too close to ever call (at least from what I saw on TV...) however, a 2 minute eat-off would have been a better alternative to the "see who can eat 5 hot dogs the fastest".
All in all, I am glad kobayashi is back and in what seems to be full force. Joey Chestnut did a great job as always, and I didn't get to see hardly any of the others on ESPN, so I sadly have little to say except that I noticed that the last place ate only 14 HDB, and with my 9 at the qualifier, I just may make it to table-ender status someday. A girl can dream can't she? :]
Monday, June 23, 2008
Myrtle Beach
My first taste of real competitive eating was quite an adventure.
Friday morning, my two friends Kelly and Allyson came to my house, and we set off toward my Aunt's new condo in North Myrtle Beach. We followed my dad, and two grandparents who were going to stay in the condo and visit with my aunt and uncle. The trip was going perfectly fine, when I had to stop and get gas in South Carolina. I had directions with me, so my Dad drove on and we were on our own. I do a pretty decent job with directions and maps, so I wasn't worried. The only problem: I was driving, and navigating at the same time. We ended up missing a turn and going through the city of Darlington as opposed to the route that would take us around the city. As I was reading directions and driving, I did not realize the speed limit had reduced to 35, and that there was a cop waiting to catch speeders. I got pulled over for going 51 in a 35. The cop asked if we had just graduated, I told him politely no, we were going to a Hot Dog Eating Contest and luckily he wrote me a warning because he didn't want to ruin our weekend. It was a very pleasant surprise and I definitely watched the speed limit from then on.
We made it to the condo in about 5 and a half hours. Which isn't terrible considering we stopped to eat twice, got gas, pulled over and slightly lost. After getting there, we walked to the beach and enjoyed the Atlantic ocean and the hot tubs at a beachside hotel.
Later that evening, I wanted to be sure I knew how to get to the Hard Rock Park. It took approximately 30 minutes to get there from our condo and I was getting excited for the next day.
The next morning, I woke up early because I was just too excited to sleep. I decided to go on a short run (mainly because I am not the cross country runner I used to be, and a short run is all i can do.) and came back to get ready. To our luck, it started storming, brutally. I wasn't sure if my friends would want to go to the park since i only had one extra ticket, so they would each have to pay 20 dollars to get in. I didn't want them to spend their money and not be able to ride any rides. However, they decided to go, and by the time we got to the park, it was clear.
We got to the park and rode the Eagles: Life in the Fast Lane roller coaster. it was a small roller coaster, but fun. The Eagles were blaring during the whole ride.
It got to be about 11:00 and I made my way to the amphitheater. I discovered that I was the only girl competing, got my t-shirt and signed the waiver. While I was waiting in the backstage area, I began to get nervous and my adrenaline was pumping. The Emcee (Micheal I believe was his name. He gave me his card but I don't have it with me right now.) began the introductions. I waited and waited for my name to be called. Come to find out, I would not be a table-ender at all. There was one person in between Allen goldstein and myself. I was in the middle. I have all of the introduction on video, but then when the national anthem played, my friend who was filming turned off the recording and forgot to hit record again. Hopefully I can get in touch with someone who was also videoing and get a copy.
The countdown began and I was off. I didn't notice anything around me. When Crazy Legs Conti talks about the zen in each contest, I definitely know what he is saying. It was just me and the hot dogs. Toward the end, I began to felt the wall. they announced 30 seconds, and I chipmunked my 9TH HOT DOG!. I definitely felt that last one, and had to hold back from spitting it out. I hate to say it, but the hot dogs were not very tasty. The wieners were cool, not even warm, but I guess that is for safety.
Anyway, I do not know the exact results, but I am guessing I came in about 5th place. Allen Goldstein finished first with 22 or 23, the second was 18, and third 13. I talked to a few later who ate less than me, and were quite embarrassed to be beaten by a girl.
Immediately after the contest was over, I was feeling fine. I guess the elation of finishing the "race" had my endorphins pumping. I knew I wouldn't ride any rides yet though. Kelly and Allyson rode a few, and I went back to my car to get some money for a soft drink and sit for a while. It was probably 3 hours after the contest, and as I went back to the park to get a drink, I began to get nauseous. I couldn't hold it, I had to go to the bathroom and face urges contrary to swallowing. I tried not to, but there was no way I could keep that last hot dog down. After that, I was fine to ride some rides and ended up riding Led Zeppelin: The Ride three times.
It was a fun weekend and Hard Rock Park was a pretty cool place. I hope to be able to enter a few contests again!
Friday morning, my two friends Kelly and Allyson came to my house, and we set off toward my Aunt's new condo in North Myrtle Beach. We followed my dad, and two grandparents who were going to stay in the condo and visit with my aunt and uncle. The trip was going perfectly fine, when I had to stop and get gas in South Carolina. I had directions with me, so my Dad drove on and we were on our own. I do a pretty decent job with directions and maps, so I wasn't worried. The only problem: I was driving, and navigating at the same time. We ended up missing a turn and going through the city of Darlington as opposed to the route that would take us around the city. As I was reading directions and driving, I did not realize the speed limit had reduced to 35, and that there was a cop waiting to catch speeders. I got pulled over for going 51 in a 35. The cop asked if we had just graduated, I told him politely no, we were going to a Hot Dog Eating Contest and luckily he wrote me a warning because he didn't want to ruin our weekend. It was a very pleasant surprise and I definitely watched the speed limit from then on.
We made it to the condo in about 5 and a half hours. Which isn't terrible considering we stopped to eat twice, got gas, pulled over and slightly lost. After getting there, we walked to the beach and enjoyed the Atlantic ocean and the hot tubs at a beachside hotel.
Later that evening, I wanted to be sure I knew how to get to the Hard Rock Park. It took approximately 30 minutes to get there from our condo and I was getting excited for the next day.
The next morning, I woke up early because I was just too excited to sleep. I decided to go on a short run (mainly because I am not the cross country runner I used to be, and a short run is all i can do.) and came back to get ready. To our luck, it started storming, brutally. I wasn't sure if my friends would want to go to the park since i only had one extra ticket, so they would each have to pay 20 dollars to get in. I didn't want them to spend their money and not be able to ride any rides. However, they decided to go, and by the time we got to the park, it was clear.
We got to the park and rode the Eagles: Life in the Fast Lane roller coaster. it was a small roller coaster, but fun. The Eagles were blaring during the whole ride.
It got to be about 11:00 and I made my way to the amphitheater. I discovered that I was the only girl competing, got my t-shirt and signed the waiver. While I was waiting in the backstage area, I began to get nervous and my adrenaline was pumping. The Emcee (Micheal I believe was his name. He gave me his card but I don't have it with me right now.) began the introductions. I waited and waited for my name to be called. Come to find out, I would not be a table-ender at all. There was one person in between Allen goldstein and myself. I was in the middle. I have all of the introduction on video, but then when the national anthem played, my friend who was filming turned off the recording and forgot to hit record again. Hopefully I can get in touch with someone who was also videoing and get a copy.
The countdown began and I was off. I didn't notice anything around me. When Crazy Legs Conti talks about the zen in each contest, I definitely know what he is saying. It was just me and the hot dogs. Toward the end, I began to felt the wall. they announced 30 seconds, and I chipmunked my 9TH HOT DOG!. I definitely felt that last one, and had to hold back from spitting it out. I hate to say it, but the hot dogs were not very tasty. The wieners were cool, not even warm, but I guess that is for safety.
Anyway, I do not know the exact results, but I am guessing I came in about 5th place. Allen Goldstein finished first with 22 or 23, the second was 18, and third 13. I talked to a few later who ate less than me, and were quite embarrassed to be beaten by a girl.
Immediately after the contest was over, I was feeling fine. I guess the elation of finishing the "race" had my endorphins pumping. I knew I wouldn't ride any rides yet though. Kelly and Allyson rode a few, and I went back to my car to get some money for a soft drink and sit for a while. It was probably 3 hours after the contest, and as I went back to the park to get a drink, I began to get nauseous. I couldn't hold it, I had to go to the bathroom and face urges contrary to swallowing. I tried not to, but there was no way I could keep that last hot dog down. After that, I was fine to ride some rides and ended up riding Led Zeppelin: The Ride three times.
It was a fun weekend and Hard Rock Park was a pretty cool place. I hope to be able to enter a few contests again!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Good things are happening
If you would have told me this time last year that my life would be going in an awesome direction, I would have laughed in your face and called you an idiot. But, as of recent, things that I could never even dream of happening to me have just fallen into my lap.
Just a few weeks ago I found out that they were building a Dairy Queen just a few miles from my new place. A Dairy Queen only 10 minutes away? What a dream come true...but the dream gets better. My mom was looking on Craigs List one day and found out that this particular Dairy Queen was hiring for a part-time Ice Cream Cake decorator. Of course, I jumped on that and emailed the manager immediately. The next thing I knew, I was hired for the job. In about two weeks, I'll be decorating ice cream cakes and serving the undying Blizzard needs of the greater Mooresville area. Holy cow. I can't wait!!! Not only will I get to spend my summer, as a newlywed, working at the coolest job in the world, I will also have the financial security of getting my summer teacher paycheck too. God this rules.
Yesterday, Trey and I went to the Nathan's Qualifier in Concord, NC. I didn't have a lot of expectations going into the thing... I knew I'd see Hall Hunt eat a lot of hot dogs and that was exciting enough for me. Little did I know what else was in store. Rich Shea was the announcer and right after the kid's 'Neat Eating' contest, he anounced that they would need some Bunnettes. And I was chosen. Oh my god. I was chosen to be on the stage flipping numbers. Another dream come true! Granted, it was just a qualifier, but who cares? It was awesome.
They only had two girls on the stage to flip for the two top eaters, and as luck had it, I was able to flip for Hall Hunt! As I was flipping, I remembered back to the Krystal Square Off and thought to myself "What would Kitty Krystal Do?". I flipped my numbers with the sign way up high and a smile on my face. It was glorious. Hall ended up eating 34.5 hot dogs and buns in 10 minutes, which shattered his 12 minute best from last year's qualifier. Great job, Hall!
What a fun day. Unfortuantely, my stupid camera died right after the kids contest so I have no pictures of the eaters or myself as a bunnette :-(
HOWEVER, there is a video on the Charlotte Observer website that captured this momentous event!
Video: Nathan's Qualifier in Concord, NC
Tuesday, I'll be heading off to enjoy 5 wonderful days in Cancun. I'll be thinking about Jamie the whole time, though, wondering how she's getting ready to compete at Myrtle Beach. I'm sad I can't be there, but that's nothing a few margaritas and a half dozen tacos can't fix.
Just a few weeks ago I found out that they were building a Dairy Queen just a few miles from my new place. A Dairy Queen only 10 minutes away? What a dream come true...but the dream gets better. My mom was looking on Craigs List one day and found out that this particular Dairy Queen was hiring for a part-time Ice Cream Cake decorator. Of course, I jumped on that and emailed the manager immediately. The next thing I knew, I was hired for the job. In about two weeks, I'll be decorating ice cream cakes and serving the undying Blizzard needs of the greater Mooresville area. Holy cow. I can't wait!!! Not only will I get to spend my summer, as a newlywed, working at the coolest job in the world, I will also have the financial security of getting my summer teacher paycheck too. God this rules.
Yesterday, Trey and I went to the Nathan's Qualifier in Concord, NC. I didn't have a lot of expectations going into the thing... I knew I'd see Hall Hunt eat a lot of hot dogs and that was exciting enough for me. Little did I know what else was in store. Rich Shea was the announcer and right after the kid's 'Neat Eating' contest, he anounced that they would need some Bunnettes. And I was chosen. Oh my god. I was chosen to be on the stage flipping numbers. Another dream come true! Granted, it was just a qualifier, but who cares? It was awesome.
They only had two girls on the stage to flip for the two top eaters, and as luck had it, I was able to flip for Hall Hunt! As I was flipping, I remembered back to the Krystal Square Off and thought to myself "What would Kitty Krystal Do?". I flipped my numbers with the sign way up high and a smile on my face. It was glorious. Hall ended up eating 34.5 hot dogs and buns in 10 minutes, which shattered his 12 minute best from last year's qualifier. Great job, Hall!
What a fun day. Unfortuantely, my stupid camera died right after the kids contest so I have no pictures of the eaters or myself as a bunnette :-(
HOWEVER, there is a video on the Charlotte Observer website that captured this momentous event!
Video: Nathan's Qualifier in Concord, NC
Tuesday, I'll be heading off to enjoy 5 wonderful days in Cancun. I'll be thinking about Jamie the whole time, though, wondering how she's getting ready to compete at Myrtle Beach. I'm sad I can't be there, but that's nothing a few margaritas and a half dozen tacos can't fix.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Saturday, June 7, 2008
quick recap of hog happenin' eating contests, more to come later:
friday night:
-no pictures :[
-mulletted man destroys everyone in the Osama's Extra Hot Hot Wings contest
-older man wins pizza
-kids compete in pies
-we will post pictures and videos sometime!
-I (Jamie) end up competing in the pizza contest. i didn't win, but i think i came in second. the pizza was super hot and i about choked on the cheese a lot. the roof of my mouth is raw from the hot cheese too.
-Sadie's Hungry Husband: Trey, and our Hungry Father: Freddie competed in the hot wing eating contest, Freddie won!
- then there were donuts, pie, and chocolate ice cream.
more to come later!
friday night:
-no pictures :[
-mulletted man destroys everyone in the Osama's Extra Hot Hot Wings contest
-older man wins pizza
-kids compete in pies
-we will post pictures and videos sometime!
-I (Jamie) end up competing in the pizza contest. i didn't win, but i think i came in second. the pizza was super hot and i about choked on the cheese a lot. the roof of my mouth is raw from the hot cheese too.
-Sadie's Hungry Husband: Trey, and our Hungry Father: Freddie competed in the hot wing eating contest, Freddie won!
- then there were donuts, pie, and chocolate ice cream.
more to come later!
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Hog Happenin'
Well, Tomorrow's the big day. My first big event as an unpaid intern. I'm excited about the eating contests which will be tomorrow from 8-9, and then Saturday from 12-1:30. The contests are set up with five eaters, chosen from people who had signed up and whoever eats the item the fastest will win a free t-shirt, bbq, or beverage bucks. On Friday, there will be Pizza and Wings from Court Street Grill, Donuts from the 36th Street Bakery, and Pies from Bi-Lo. Saturday will be the same, but with my new discovery that June 7th is National Chocolate Ice Cream Day, I had to add that to the competition; therefore, the final eating competition will be the Melamoose Chocolate Ice Cream and will have eight eaters pining for the right to claim the prize of being the Lincolnton Chocolate Ice Cream Champion.
It will be fun, and hopefully everyone will have a good time.
On another note, I did practice my hot dog technique the other day. I did not use Nathan's however for my waistline, and wallet, I bought the low fat, 40 calorie Oscar Myer's Dogs. I know it will be totally different, but I had to make that sacrafice.
It will be fun, and hopefully everyone will have a good time.
On another note, I did practice my hot dog technique the other day. I did not use Nathan's however for my waistline, and wallet, I bought the low fat, 40 calorie Oscar Myer's Dogs. I know it will be totally different, but I had to make that sacrafice.
Friday, May 23, 2008
So here I am, sitting in the Business and Economic Development of Lincolnton, NC in my cozy little office doing unpaid work. I don't mind the unpaid part because: a) I suppose it will help me in the future. b) although gas is expensive, I only live approximately five minutes away, and could ride my bike if i wanted. c) I've gotten a few free meals, and will get another today. and most importantly: d) I am helping to organize the eating competitions for the 8th annual Hog Happenin'!
These competitions are no where on par with the IFOCE or AICE however, they will be great. As of right now, I am working on getting local restaurants to donate food to be gurgitated. My predictions of food will be: pizza, hot wings, hot dogs and pies. There will be two sets of competitions, one on friday june 6 at 8, and one on saturday june 7 time tba.
I still need to work on my hot dog eating skills for Myrtle Beach on June 21st!!!
I have to go now...
More to come later!
These competitions are no where on par with the IFOCE or AICE however, they will be great. As of right now, I am working on getting local restaurants to donate food to be gurgitated. My predictions of food will be: pizza, hot wings, hot dogs and pies. There will be two sets of competitions, one on friday june 6 at 8, and one on saturday june 7 time tba.
I still need to work on my hot dog eating skills for Myrtle Beach on June 21st!!!
I have to go now...
More to come later!
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
I have been doing my best to drag myself to the gym, go for a run, or bicycle ride daily in hopes of being in better physical shape and health. Why? you ask, because I am offically going to be in the Nathan's Qualifier at the new Hard Rock park in Myrtle Beach, SC!! This will be my first eating competition ever, and I do not want to embarrass myself, or take the position of someone who deserves to be there. With that being said, I am shooting for a goal of at least ten hot dogs (both Sadie, and myself have decided that is a formidable and realistic goal for my first attempt) but hopefully more. Unfortunatly, the other half of the hungrysister duo will be in Cancun and unable to experience my debut; but, I will have a few friends along for moral support and the excitement of Myrtle Beach. I am extremely excited to find out who will be at Myrtle Beach on the 21st of June and measure up my competition :].
eating contest,
Myrtle Beach,
Nathan's Famous
Monday, April 14, 2008
Its official. I, Jamie have entered to compete in either the Myrtle Beach or Atlanta Nathan's qualifier on June 21st. If I will actually get to compete or not, we will soon find out. Regardless, I will most definately be at one of the qualifiers, cheering on whomever may be there, and hopefully partaking in some free Nathan's hot dogs (if the qualifier is anything like KSO, with loads of leftover sliders). Sadly, I will not be in North Carolina on the date of the Charlotte qualifier but Sadie will be there in all the hot dog glory to witness the special occasion.
Anyway, even if I am unable to compete in a qualifier, I'm going to start training (aka... I just need to get in shape and drop a few pounds) and maybe try a practice run or two on some Nathan's. I have doubts in my ability to make it to the big table, but you have to start somewhere!
Anyway, even if I am unable to compete in a qualifier, I'm going to start training (aka... I just need to get in shape and drop a few pounds) and maybe try a practice run or two on some Nathan's. I have doubts in my ability to make it to the big table, but you have to start somewhere!
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Sonya "The Black Widow" Thomas

On a recent update to her website, Sonya Thomas discussed what is inhibiting her from being even higher at the top of the competitive eating world than she is now, and her explanation made me love and respect the Black Widow even more:
"What hurts me, for sure, is that I don't practice, per se, except for a minute or two to increase my speed. To be honest, and this may sound weird, but I don't like to practice because I love, so much, to eat for enjoyment. Eating is my biggest hobby in life -- thank God for my metabolism and health. As such, my not practicing is a double-edged sword. Though I might sacrifice a higher ranking at the expense of enjoying my food, so be it. I can live with it."
Its good to know that competitve eaters still enjoy their food.
Monday, March 31, 2008
a covered dish meal of eating.
As a result of finding Kobayashi and Badlands Booker in my Economics text book, and this article which I found on eatfeats.com, I decided to write my weekly-assigned economic article analysis on it. I was more than excited to finally utilize my love of competitive eating in school work (something I have tried to find the oppurtunity to legitimately do for months now). Turns out, my professor liked it as well and I earned my first perfect score out of the 6 analyses I've turned in. I suppose I'll be trying to find more ways to write about competitve eating in the future. I've been trying to find some way to incorporate it into a future research paper on some aspect of the ancient world, but I can't think of anything that could suffice for six pages of comparison.
In other news, I went to Arby's yesterday and, as usual, split a DELICIOUS chocolate turnover. Readers, if you have not tried these yet, they are AMAZING. I could probably eat 20 of them and not even realize it, yet for my stomach, legs and thigh's sake, I chose the healthy route and just split one. Yesterday's turnover was exceptionally chocolatey and delectable. (If anyone didn't know this, an Arby's chocolate turnover is a flaky pastry with gooey decadent HERSHEY'S CHOCOLATE filling the inside. Not only is it a choclate turnover but a Hershey's chocolate turnover, making it all the more amazing.)
There are a few times in life when you know destiny is on your side. Those times for me, are when I am bored out of my mind, flipping through channels during breaks of reality tv marathons and come across the food network and see none other than Joey "Jaws" Chestnut. It was an episode of Unwrapped that I had never seen before (it could have been new, but I'm not really sure); and it was about hot dogs. There was Joey with his room full of trophey's and belts and I was just plain excited to come across the food network at just the right time. This seems to happen to me quite a bit. One weekend on MTV, there was a 24 hour takeover by the crazy folks of Jackass. I just so happened to turn to that channel to see "Eater X" Tim Janus, Artuo Rios Jr., and Crazy Legs Conti (I believe... it's been a while so i could be forgetting who it was) eating hot dogs in a competition agains Bam Margera's dad, Phil. It's just great when competitive eating simply falls into your metaphorical lap.
Speaking of hot dogs, I am excited to know that Charlotte, NC is a definate spot for a Nathan's qualifier. It would be amazing to actually compete in it. I know I'm definately not up to par to make it to the superbowl of Competitive eating on the 4th, but I would be satisfied with being at the table in Charlotte and eating as many Nathan's Hot dogs that I possibly could. I hope they post the dates soon; the wait is killing me!
In other news, I went to Arby's yesterday and, as usual, split a DELICIOUS chocolate turnover. Readers, if you have not tried these yet, they are AMAZING. I could probably eat 20 of them and not even realize it, yet for my stomach, legs and thigh's sake, I chose the healthy route and just split one. Yesterday's turnover was exceptionally chocolatey and delectable. (If anyone didn't know this, an Arby's chocolate turnover is a flaky pastry with gooey decadent HERSHEY'S CHOCOLATE filling the inside. Not only is it a choclate turnover but a Hershey's chocolate turnover, making it all the more amazing.)
There are a few times in life when you know destiny is on your side. Those times for me, are when I am bored out of my mind, flipping through channels during breaks of reality tv marathons and come across the food network and see none other than Joey "Jaws" Chestnut. It was an episode of Unwrapped that I had never seen before (it could have been new, but I'm not really sure); and it was about hot dogs. There was Joey with his room full of trophey's and belts and I was just plain excited to come across the food network at just the right time. This seems to happen to me quite a bit. One weekend on MTV, there was a 24 hour takeover by the crazy folks of Jackass. I just so happened to turn to that channel to see "Eater X" Tim Janus, Artuo Rios Jr., and Crazy Legs Conti (I believe... it's been a while so i could be forgetting who it was) eating hot dogs in a competition agains Bam Margera's dad, Phil. It's just great when competitive eating simply falls into your metaphorical lap.
Speaking of hot dogs, I am excited to know that Charlotte, NC is a definate spot for a Nathan's qualifier. It would be amazing to actually compete in it. I know I'm definately not up to par to make it to the superbowl of Competitive eating on the 4th, but I would be satisfied with being at the table in Charlotte and eating as many Nathan's Hot dogs that I possibly could. I hope they post the dates soon; the wait is killing me!
Crazy Legs Conti,
Eater X,
Joey Chestnut,
Nathan's Famous
Sunday, March 23, 2008
We cannot wait for:
MLE: The Game
Nathan's to release dates for the qualifying tour. Hopefully there will be one in Charlotte this summer seeing as we ae complete idiots and missed it last summer!
Sweet summer and our favorite holiday, Independence Day!
KSO V. and multiple qualifiers! (and possibly giving a qualifier a try? we'll have to see about that.)
The Hog Happenin' in Lincolnton, NC (which offers amature eating competitions!) that we have yet to visit in our deprived years of living there.
And hopefully many many more great food moments and memories of the 2008 season to come!
MLE: The Game
Nathan's to release dates for the qualifying tour. Hopefully there will be one in Charlotte this summer seeing as we ae complete idiots and missed it last summer!
Sweet summer and our favorite holiday, Independence Day!
KSO V. and multiple qualifiers! (and possibly giving a qualifier a try? we'll have to see about that.)
The Hog Happenin' in Lincolnton, NC (which offers amature eating competitions!) that we have yet to visit in our deprived years of living there.
And hopefully many many more great food moments and memories of the 2008 season to come!
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
March Madness!
Yeah, we have really been slacking our updating as of the new year. It is difficult when there hasn't been many eating events of 2008 thus far, in addition to the sad fact that we are girls and swimsuit season is quickly approaching. Despite lack of actual competitions and amazing food, March has been a great month for competitive eating: Birthdays, and St. Patrick's day. According to EatFeats.com, Kobayashi, El Toro and "Beautiful" Brian are all March babies in addition to yours truly, Jamie, Dr. Seuss, and our former dog, Lucky. 
Aside from birthdays, I'm sure everyone had a delightful St. Patrick's Day. For the occasion, the school cafeteria served corn beef and cabbage as a choice for lunch; decent for cafeteria food.
Yesterday, during an exceptionally boring microeconomics class, I turned through the pages of my text book and was delighted in my discovery in chapter 8, on "Utility" that there was a small picture on the right side of the Tsunami himself, Takeru Kobayashi and Badlands Booker standing side by side at Nathan's on the fourth of July. It was there to demonstrate Utility: the relative satisfaction from the consumption of goods, and under the picture it said something in the manner of "in some cases, such as an eating competition, the utility is 0" meaning that there isn't satisfaction or desirability from eating a large number of food in a short amount of time (or so I understood), in which case, I beg to differ. Although competitve eaters may feel like total vomit after eating 20+ hot dogs in 12 minutes, the satisfaction of being at Nathan's and competing for the mustard belt is desireable enough to outweigh the possible disgusting feeling of a stomach full of hot dogs.

Aside from birthdays, I'm sure everyone had a delightful St. Patrick's Day. For the occasion, the school cafeteria served corn beef and cabbage as a choice for lunch; decent for cafeteria food.
Yesterday, during an exceptionally boring microeconomics class, I turned through the pages of my text book and was delighted in my discovery in chapter 8, on "Utility" that there was a small picture on the right side of the Tsunami himself, Takeru Kobayashi and Badlands Booker standing side by side at Nathan's on the fourth of July. It was there to demonstrate Utility: the relative satisfaction from the consumption of goods, and under the picture it said something in the manner of "in some cases, such as an eating competition, the utility is 0" meaning that there isn't satisfaction or desirability from eating a large number of food in a short amount of time (or so I understood), in which case, I beg to differ. Although competitve eaters may feel like total vomit after eating 20+ hot dogs in 12 minutes, the satisfaction of being at Nathan's and competing for the mustard belt is desireable enough to outweigh the possible disgusting feeling of a stomach full of hot dogs.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
we suck.
Wow, we had this big long beautiful list of things we hope to accomplish this year and so far, not much has changed. I (Sadie) am still working on our Krystal video from last fall. God, I'm such a slacker. If I would sit down for a few hours and just do it, it would be finished but I guess I'm just lazy. Instead, I spend my precious hours home from work laying on the couch watching Flight of the Conchords and stalking people's Myspaces.
It doesn't look like we'll be able to go to A Taste of Broadway this year as we had hoped but we have good reason...our cousin Abby is getting married that day!
Jamie ordered CLC's video documentry, The Zen Art of Competitive Eating, and I have to say that it is quite entertaining. How cool would it be to hang with Crazy Legs' crew? Very cool.
In other news, I am moving in a few months! Starting in May, I will be a resident of Mooresville, North Carolina. Yes, my friends, Race City USA. Mullets. NASCAR. Joker's Piano Bar. What more could I want in life? It won't be a permanent move, though, since Trey is going to grad school in the Fall of 2009. He doesn't know where he is going yet but is thinking about some schools in New York, Knoxville, Ohio, and who knows where else. I don't really know where we'll end up but sometimes I secretly hope he decides on UT because of the abundance of Krystals in the area. Is that sad? Nah.
Ughh, I guess I should get back to work. Hopefully next time I update (which should be soon!) will be the posting of a long-awaited video from the KSO last fall.
It doesn't look like we'll be able to go to A Taste of Broadway this year as we had hoped but we have good reason...our cousin Abby is getting married that day!
Jamie ordered CLC's video documentry, The Zen Art of Competitive Eating, and I have to say that it is quite entertaining. How cool would it be to hang with Crazy Legs' crew? Very cool.
In other news, I am moving in a few months! Starting in May, I will be a resident of Mooresville, North Carolina. Yes, my friends, Race City USA. Mullets. NASCAR. Joker's Piano Bar. What more could I want in life? It won't be a permanent move, though, since Trey is going to grad school in the Fall of 2009. He doesn't know where he is going yet but is thinking about some schools in New York, Knoxville, Ohio, and who knows where else. I don't really know where we'll end up but sometimes I secretly hope he decides on UT because of the abundance of Krystals in the area. Is that sad? Nah.
Ughh, I guess I should get back to work. Hopefully next time I update (which should be soon!) will be the posting of a long-awaited video from the KSO last fall.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Reunited and it feels so good.
Being a freshman in college, I am unable to have my personal car on campus. My boyfriend, Logan, and I have been limited to going to restaurants within walking distance or a bus ride away. Ever since Krystal Square Off IV in October, we have yet to return to the delightful heaven that is only about 10 minutes from school but sadly, it is past the bus route.
It just so happened, that after an intense craving for Krystal the past few days, we found a ride from Logan's roommate. So Friday evening, the quest for Krystal began.
After what seemed like an eternity of wrong turns and missed roads, we finally made it to our destination. We felt like Harold and Kumar when they finally found their beloved White Castle (only we were motivated by pure unadulterated hunger and no other outside substances...) Upon entering the Krystal of Asheville, North Carolina, I knew exactly what i wanted: one Chili Cheese Pup, one Original Chik, and obviously an original Krystal. Logan ordered what I did, except instead of an Original Chik, he ordered a buffalo chicken, and an additional cheese Krystal. His roommate ordered the Cheese Lover's Combo.
As I sunk my teeth in my first Krystal in months, it felt like the burger Gods were singing "Hallelujah" in my ears. We quickly ate our food and wanted more. Logan then decided to get a steamer pack (24 Krystals) and what wasn't eaten, we would take back to the dorm and freeze for when the craving strikes.
Now with a car, and three Krystal lovers, we will most definitely make more trips to the beloved Krystal, and I can only begin to count down until KSO V in Chattanooga in October.
It just so happened, that after an intense craving for Krystal the past few days, we found a ride from Logan's roommate. So Friday evening, the quest for Krystal began.
After what seemed like an eternity of wrong turns and missed roads, we finally made it to our destination. We felt like Harold and Kumar when they finally found their beloved White Castle (only we were motivated by pure unadulterated hunger and no other outside substances...) Upon entering the Krystal of Asheville, North Carolina, I knew exactly what i wanted: one Chili Cheese Pup, one Original Chik, and obviously an original Krystal. Logan ordered what I did, except instead of an Original Chik, he ordered a buffalo chicken, and an additional cheese Krystal. His roommate ordered the Cheese Lover's Combo.
As I sunk my teeth in my first Krystal in months, it felt like the burger Gods were singing "Hallelujah" in my ears. We quickly ate our food and wanted more. Logan then decided to get a steamer pack (24 Krystals) and what wasn't eaten, we would take back to the dorm and freeze for when the craving strikes.
Now with a car, and three Krystal lovers, we will most definitely make more trips to the beloved Krystal, and I can only begin to count down until KSO V in Chattanooga in October.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Help a HungrySister pay for college!
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Hello, 2k8!
We have many ideas of things we'd like to do in the upcoming year in regards to our blog in general. Some of those things are:
-Upload our home video from the Krystal Square Off (since we finally have a computer that will support our digital vid cam) *should happen soon, check back!*
-Go to A Taste of Broadway at Myrtle Beach
-Attend/watch a Nathan's Qualifier (Jamie: maybe try out)
-TRY to go to Coney Island on the 4th
-Compete in local contests (ex: Hog Happenin' in Lincolnton...BBQ, YUM)
-Finish reading Eat This Book and Horsemen of the Esophagus and write reviews for both books on our blog *should happen soon*
-Attend/watch a few Krystal Qualifiers and the Square off in Chattanooga again
-Update our blog on a more regular basis
Come on back and visit us soon! I hope to have our Krystal video added within the next few weeks (when I can figure out how to do it all...)
-Upload our home video from the Krystal Square Off (since we finally have a computer that will support our digital vid cam) *should happen soon, check back!*
-Go to A Taste of Broadway at Myrtle Beach
-Attend/watch a Nathan's Qualifier (Jamie: maybe try out)
-TRY to go to Coney Island on the 4th
-Compete in local contests (ex: Hog Happenin' in Lincolnton...BBQ, YUM)
-Finish reading Eat This Book and Horsemen of the Esophagus and write reviews for both books on our blog *should happen soon*
-Attend/watch a few Krystal Qualifiers and the Square off in Chattanooga again
-Update our blog on a more regular basis
Come on back and visit us soon! I hope to have our Krystal video added within the next few weeks (when I can figure out how to do it all...)
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