Joey Chestnut: 59
Takeru Kobayashi: 59
Tim Janus: 42
Pat Bertoletti: 38
Sonya Thomas: 34
Hall Hunt: 30
Bob Shoudt: 30
Juliet Lee: 29
Erik Denmark: 28
Juris Shibayama: 28
Tim Brown: 27
Eric Booker: 25.5
Patrick Vandam: 25
Rich LeFevre: 25
Crazy Legs Conti: 24
Allan Goldstein: 21
Pat Philbin: 19
Nathan Biller: 18.5
Pete Davekos: 18
Arturo Rios: 16
Kevin Ross: 14
It was a pretty exciting 4th of July, as always I was glued to my TV from noon to one, anxiously awaiting the countdown. Sadie, in her Mooresville apartment, called me a few times before and after to discuss the events. I was happy to hear "Sweet Escape" an IFOCE favorite song playing in the background during an interview. There just can't be competitive eating with out Gwen Stefani's musical talent, (and that one Eminem song?) serving as the soundtrack to the excitement ahead.
The introductions on ESPN were kind of odd. I wish they would have just shown the actual introductions so I could have seen the little things all of the eaters did. I thought Kevin Ross' (I believe?) James bond outfit was pretty sweet.
Also, I thought it was pretty lame that they didn't have the table lined up by their position in qualifiers. Why was Sonya Thomas and Juliet lee beside Kobayashi and Joey Chestnut? I know it made the table more symmetrical, AND Juliet looked really hot on stage, but it probably did not help push Eater X and Pat Bertoletti to eat as much.
My other complaint about the set-up is that there were only 3 bunnettes! there should be a bunnette for each eater in my opinion.
The contest itself, well you all saw it. It was intense. Yes, I have read complaints about Kobayashi pulling away a part of his hot dog after the buzzer and putting it back. From what I saw, they both had a LOT of hot dogs not in their mouths, but their hands. Anyway, I thought the announcement of a tie was appropriate. It was too close to ever call (at least from what I saw on TV...) however, a 2 minute eat-off would have been a better alternative to the "see who can eat 5 hot dogs the fastest".
All in all, I am glad kobayashi is back and in what seems to be full force. Joey Chestnut did a great job as always, and I didn't get to see hardly any of the others on ESPN, so I sadly have little to say except that I noticed that the last place ate only 14 HDB, and with my 9 at the qualifier, I just may make it to table-ender status someday. A girl can dream can't she? :]